Our Work

In the challenging landscape of UK social care, Middlesbrough Council’s Live Well Centre faced a pressing issue: the declining mental health of social care workers, leading to increased absenteeism and presenteeism, critically impacting the quality of care. Recognizing this, Growth Planner Co. stepped in with a holistic solution, tailoring their expertise to meet this unique challenge.

Our journey with the Live Well Centre began with an insightful initial consultation, pinpointing the critical need for a focus on mental health and well-being. This led to the creation of a bespoke solution: 500 custom journals designed to offer a private space for mental unloading, combined with our proven self-reflection and coaching tools. These resources aimed to facilitate personal growth and proactive mental health management among social care workers.

To reinforce the impact of these journals, Growth Planner Co. delivered 18 hours of in-person coaching, spread across 9 workshops. These sessions, grounded in the PERMA and Great Dream models, were not only educational but transformative, providing the tools and knowledge for lasting well-being and satisfaction.

The impact of our intervention was immediate and profound. Julie Wilson, a workshop attendee, expressed her renewed inspiration in journaling, praising the open and vulnerable space created by Joe, one of our facilitators. Her experience underscores the effectiveness of our approach in reigniting passion and commitment to personal well-being.

The Live Well Centre’s feedback echoed this sentiment. Their experience with Growth Planner Co. over the past year was marked by our attentive listening, innovative solutions, and a deep understanding of their needs. The initial workshop pilot led by Joe Hilton was met with overwhelming positivity, setting the stage for the future.

Looking ahead, the Live Well Centre has reaffirmed their commitment to this initiative, booking an additional 18 hours of workshops, signaling their confidence in the long-term impact of our program. This ongoing partnership not only highlights the success of our tailored approach but also marks a significant step in addressing the broader challenges within the social care sector.

Through this collaboration, Growth Planner Co. has demonstrated its ability to create impactful, customized solutions that resonate deeply with professionals, fostering a culture of well-being and personal growth.

Beyond Housing, an organization committed to the well-being of its staff, recognized the need for a more effective strategy to foster lasting well-being from both the top down and bottom up. Stepping in to address this challenge, Growth Planner Co. devised and delivered a comprehensive range of services, uniquely tailored to empower Beyond Housing’s team with the skills necessary for proactive mental well-being and personal growth.

Our intervention included a series of diverse yet interconnected sessions. We conducted 10 ‘Tool Box Talks’, where I shared my personal journey with mental health, offering staff practical tools to support their own mental well-being. These talks were designed to be relatable and real, resonating deeply with the staff. In addition, 2 Team Leader sessions were organized, focusing on mental health awareness and fostering psychological safety in the workplace. These sessions equipped team leaders with insights and strategies to create a more supportive and understanding work environment.

Recognizing the value of personalized support, we also provided one-to-one coaching for staff members, complemented by a planner designed to proactively support their individual well-being journeys. Furthermore, our engagement with Beyond Housing featured 2 keynote speaking events, addressing tailor-made topics on well-being and personal growth, ensuring a holistic approach to the well-being initiatives.

While specific models were not cited in our approach, the essence of our delivery was deeply rooted in practical, real-life experiences and strategies. This focus on relatable and impactful communication was highlighted in the feedback from Rachel Docherty, HR Partner at Beyond Housing. Rachel commended the authenticity and effectiveness of our sessions, particularly noting the real and casual yet powerful delivery of mental health talks by Joe. These sessions were not just informative but also served as a powerful catalyst for change and reflection within the organization.

Looking to the future, Growth Planner Co. is set to revolutionize Beyond Housing’s well-being strategy further. Our plan involves running additional workshops to test and trial the most effective methods and products for their staff, ensuring that each initiative is as impactful and beneficial as possible. This forward-looking approach signifies a continued commitment to enhancing workplace well-being and underscores the ongoing, dynamic partnership between Beyond Housing and Growth Planner Co.

Tracerco, a company keenly aware of the importance of men’s mental health in the workplace, collaborated with Growth Planner Co. to address this critical issue. Understanding the unique challenges faced by their male workforce, Tracerco sought a tailored approach to support their staff’s personal growth and mental well-being.

To meet Tracerco’s specific needs, Growth Planner Co. delivered a comprehensive coaching package. This included a copy of our founder Joe Hilton’s self-help book, a personal growth planner, and a 2-hour in-person coaching session. The focus was not just on imparting knowledge but on fostering a transformative experience for the staff.

The implementation of this program began with a detailed consultation with Tracerco. This initial step was crucial in understanding the distinct requirements of their male workforce. Based on these insights, we customized our workshop to resonate deeply with the participants, ensuring that the content was both relevant and impactful.

Simon Ashcroft, EHS Advisor at Tracerco, provided glowing feedback on our session. He emphasized the outstanding quality of the session, noting that every staff member gleaned valuable insights, particularly about well-being and the power of journaling. His endorsement highlights the effectiveness of our approach in engaging and benefiting the participants.

Looking ahead, Tracerco is committed to deepening this fruitful partnership. Plans are underway to roll out additional workshops throughout 2024, integrating Growth Planner Co.’s expertise into their long-term well-being strategies. This ongoing collaboration not only marks Growth Planner Co. as a key player in supporting workplace mental health but also demonstrates our ability to tailor solutions to meet the unique challenges of different workforces.

In the dynamic and challenging world of entrepreneurship, Teesside University’s Launchpad identified a critical gap: new business owners often lacked the well-being and personal growth skills essential for resilience and success in the early years of their entrepreneurial journey. Growth Planner Co. stepped in to bridge this gap, providing a tailored solution to cultivate these vital skills.

Our collaboration delivered a comprehensive planner and coaching package, accompanied by a bespoke personal growth workshop. The workshop was meticulously designed for entrepreneurs embarking on their business ventures, covering essential topics such as goal setting, productivity techniques, habit tracking, and self-reflection. These sessions were not merely instructional; they were transformative experiences that equipped the participants with practical skills and insights to thrive in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

The implementation of our program was both strategic and personalized. Each delegate received their own well-being and personal growth planner, ensuring that the learning and development journey continued beyond the workshop. This approach allowed for a sustained impact, helping entrepreneurs to integrate these crucial skills into their daily routines and business practices.

Lizzie Dixon, Enterprise and Business Startup Advisor at Teesside Launchpad, provided compelling feedback on the success of our workshops. She highlighted the profound impact of Joe Hilton’s goal-setting workshops, noting his energy, knowledge, and authenticity. The workshops were well-received for their structure and the practical tools and tips they provided. Lizzie’s endorsement reflects the effectiveness of our approach in engaging and empowering entrepreneurs.

Looking to the future, our partnership with Teesside University Launchpad is set to grow and evolve. We will continue to provide workshops for future cohorts of the FUEL Launchpad program, reaffirming our commitment to nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs. Through these ongoing collaborations, Growth Planner Co. is not just a service provider but a catalyst for personal and professional growth in the entrepreneurial community.